Curriculum Vitae: Maurice Martin Taylor, Ph.D., P.Eng
- Born Ashton-on-Mersey, Cheshire, UK, 14 June 1935.
Lived in England 1935-45, Scotland 1945-49 and 1950-51, Canada 1949-50 and
Landed Immigrant Canada 1951, Canadian Citizen 1957.
- Married Insup Kim 1961. Two Children
- School (1939-51): England, Scotland and Weston, Ont, Canada.
- University of Toronto, Engineering Physics, B.A.Sc (in Communications; Honours)
- Professional Engineer 1957.
- The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore Md. USA, M.S.E. (Industrial Engineering/Operations
Research) 1958.
- The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore Md. USA, Ph.D. (Experimental Psychology)
- Visiting Research Fellow, Communications Department, Keele University, UK,
Summers: 1952-1960
- Ferranti Electric Ltd,
- University of Toronto (computer maintenance),
- Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd.,
- Defence Research Board (Defence Research Medical Laboratories), and others.
Full Time: 1960-1995
Defence Research Medical Laboratories (Defence Research Board, Dept. National
Defence) and its successor organizations (currently Defence and Civil Institute
of Environmental Medicine, Research and Development Branch, Dept. National Defence).
Started July 4 1960, as Defence Scientific Officer 3, retired July 4 1995 as
Defence Scientist 6 and Senior Experimental Psychologist.
Panels, Advisory Groups, etc.
- NSERC Grants and Scholarships panel on Psychology (2 separate 3-year terms)
- NSERC Grants and Scholarships panel on Industrial Engineering (one 3-year
- NATO Defence Research Group, Panel 8 Research Study Group 14 on Human Factors
in Command and Control (Founding Chairperson)
- NATO Defence Research Group, Panel 3 Research Study Group 4 on Pattern Recognition.
- NATO Defence Research Group, Panel 3 Research Study Group 10 on Automatic
Speech Processing (Secretary for 17 years until retirement)
- NATO Advisory Group on Aerospace Research and Development, Avionics Panel
Working Group 12, on Imaging Sensors for Tactical Aircraft.
- Presently Secretary of NATO RTO IST-013/RTG-007 (previously DRG Panel 8
RSG-30 and later RTO IST-13/TG-002)
Approximately 100 refereed publications in various
areas of psychology and computation