Updated 991127

Listed chronologically within General Topic Area

I. The Senses

1.1 Vision

1.1.1. Effect of orientation on the visibility of fine wires. J. opt. Soc. Amer., 1958, 48, 628-629 (with J.C.Ogilvie)
1.1.2. Effect of length on the visibility of a fine line. J. opt. Soc. Amer., 1959, 49, 898-900 (with J.C.Ogilvie)
1.1.3. Visual length as a function of orientation at four retinal positions. Percep. Mot. Skills, 1962, 14, 431-438 (with D.G.Pearce)
1.1.4. Visual discrimination and orientation. J.opt.Soc.Amer., 1963, 53, 763-765 (See Also: 1.3.1, 2.1, 2.2, 6.11)

1.2 Audition

1.2.1. Monaural detection with contralateral cue (MDCC) I: Better than energy detector performance by human observers. J. acous. Soc. Amer., 1969, 46, 1519-1526 (with S.M.Forbes)
1.2.2 Monaural detection with contralateral cue (MDCC) II: Interaural delay of cue and signal. J. acous. Soc. Amer., 1971, 49, 1243-1253 (with D.P.J.Clarke)
1.2.3 Monaural detection with contralateral cue (MDCC) III: Sinusoidal signals at constant performance level. J. acous. Soc. Amer., 1971, 49, 1795-1804 (with D.P.J.Clarke and S.M.Smith)
1.2.4 Monaural detection with contralateral cue (MDCC) IV: Psychometric functions with sinusoidal signals. J. acous. Soc. Amer., 1971, 50, 1151-1161 (with S.M.Smith and D.P.J.Clarke)
1.2.5 Monaural detection with contralateral cue (MDCC) V: Interstimulus interval in MDCC and amplitude discrimination. J. acous. Soc. Amer., 1975, 57, 1500-1511 (with S.M.Smith)
1.2.6 Monaural detection with contralateral cue (MDCC) VI: Adding noise to the cue. J. acous. Soc. Amer., 1975, 58, 870-874. (with S. M. Smith). (The MDCC series of papers has been influential in the development of psychoacoustic theory and technique, in questions of how the two ears interact) (See Also: 3.1, 5.7, 5.9)

1.3 Touch

1.3.1 Perception of interpolated position and orientation by vision and active touch. Perception and Psychophysics, 1969, 6, 153-159 (with S.J.Lederman)
1.3.2 Texture perception by touch. In Carterette, E and Friedman, M (Eds), Handbook of Perception (Vol III), New York: Academic Press, 1973. (with S.J.Lederman and R.H.Gibson)
1.3.3 Fingertip force, surface geometry, and the perception of roughness by active touch. Perception and Psychophysics, 1972, 12, 401-408 (with S.J.Lederman)
1.3.4 Tactile roughness of grooved surfaces: a model and the effect of friction. Perception and Psychophysics, 1975, 17, 23-36 (with S.J.Lederman)

2. Perception and Perceptual Theory

2.1 Effects of anchoring and distance perception on the reproduction of forms. Percep. Mot. Skills, 1961, 12, 203-239
2.2 Geometry of a visual illusion. J. opt. Soc. Amer., 1962, 52, 565-569
2.3 Figural after-effects: a psychophysical theory of the displacement effect. Canad. J. Psychol., 1962, 16, 247-277
2.4 Numerical prediction of a simple figural aftereffect as a function of the contrast of the inspection figure. Psychol. Rev., 1963, 70, 357-360
2.5 The effect of the square root of time on continuing perceptual tasks. Perception and Psychophysics, 1966, 1, 113-119
2.6 Adaptation and repulsion in the figural aftereffect and the psychophysical theory. Quart. J. exp. Psychol., 1966, 18, 175-177
2.7 Perceptual principles relating to remote sensing. Proceedings of the First Canadian Remote Sensing Symposium, 1972, Vol 2, 497-503
2.8 The problem of stimulus structure in the behavioural theory of perception. S. African. J. Psychol., 1973, 3, 23-45 (invited paper) (See Also: 3.2, 3.3, 3.9, 6.4)

3. Illusions and after-effects

3.1 The distance paradox of the figural after-effect in auditory localizationCanad. J. Psychol., 1962, 16, 278-282
3.2 Verbal transformations and an effect of instructional bias on perception.Canad. J. Psychol., 1963, 17, 210-223 (with G.B.Henning)
3.3 Transformations of perception with prolonged observation. Canad. J. Psychol., 1963, 17, 349-360 (with G.B.Henning)
3.4 Tracking the decay of the after-effect of seen movement. Percep. Mot. Skills., 1963, 16, 119-129
3.5 Tracking the neutralization of seen rotary movement. Percep. Mot. Skills.,1963, 16, 513-519
3.6 Tracking the rotary motion aftereffect with different illuminations of inspection and test fields. Percep. Mot. Skills., 1964, 18, 885-888 (with P.L.Ross)
3.7 Non-additivity of perceived distance with the Mueller-Lyer figure. Percep. Mot. Skills, 1965, 20, 1064
3.8 Contrast reversal or distance paradox in the temperature perception aftereffect? Perception and Psychophysics, 1971, 10, 247-248
3.9 Stochastic processes in reversing figure perception. Perception and Psychophysics, 1974, 16, 9-27 (with K.D.Aldridge) (See Also: 1.3.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.6)

4. Vigilance and Attention

4.1 The d' measure of signal detectability in vigilance-like situations.Canad. J. Psychol., 1963, 17, 302-325 (with J.F.Mackworth)
4.2 Quantification of shared capacity processing in auditory and visual discrimination. Acta Psychologia, 1967, 27, 223-229 (with P.H.Lindsay and S.M.Forbes)
4.3 Cue Timing in multidimensional detection task. Percep. Mot. Skills., 1967, 25, 113-120 (with S.M.Forbes and P.H.Lindsay)
4.4 Attention and multidimensional discrimination. Perception and Psychophysics, 1968, 4, 113-117 (with P.H.Lindsay and S.M.Forbes)
4.5 Twenty-five years of vigilance. Review of D.R.Davies and G.S.Tune "Human Vigilance Performance". New York: American Elsevier, 1969. Contemporary Psychology, 1971, 16, 234-236

5. Psychophysical Methodology and Detection Theory

5.1 Comments on "Sensory thresholds and response bias". J. acous. Soc. Amer., 1964, 36, 599-600
5.2 Detectability measures in vigilance: comment on a paper by Wiener, Poock, and Steele. Percep. Mot. Skills, 1965, 20, 1217-1221
5.3 A table of d' for a model of the unforced choice experiment. Percep. Mot. Skills, 1966, 22, 282 (with W.C.G.Fraser) (This is a notice of DRML report 534 of the same title, which contains the actual table and computational procedures)
5.4 Detectability theory and the interpretation of vigilance data. Acta Psychologia, 1967, 27, 390-399
5.5 PEST: Efficient estimates on probability functions. J. acous. Soc. Amer., 1967, 41, 782-787 (with C.D.Creelman) (The PEST method introduced in this paper is still a widely used psychophysical technique in psychoacoustics).
5.6 Detection and Localization Experiment: comments on a paper by Hershman and Lichtenstein. J. acous. Soc. Amer., 1968, 43, 884-885
5.7 Pitfalls in adaptive testing: comments on "Temporal Integration and Periodicity Pitch". J. acous. Soc. Amer., 1969, 46, 1581-1582 (with C.D.Creelman)
5.8 On the efficiency of psychophysical measurement. J. acous. Soc. Amer., 1971, 49, 505-508
5.9 PEST reduces bias in forced choice psychophysics. J. Acous. Soc. Amer., 1983, 74, 1367-1374 (with S.M.Forbes and C.D. Creelman) (See Also: 4.1, 4.2, 4.4)

6. Psycholinguistics and Cognitive Theory

6.1 Phonetic symbolism in four unrelated languages. Canad. J. Psychol., 1962, 16, 344-356 (I.K.Taylor, senior author)
6.2 Another look at phonetic symbolism. Psychol. Bull., 1965, 64, 413-427 (with I.K.Taylor)
6.3 Test of predictions from the conflict hypothesis of stuttering. J. abnorm. Psychol., 1967, 72, 431-433 (with I.K.Taylor)
6.4 Speculations on bilingualism and the cognitive network. Working Paperson Bilingualism, OISE, 1974, 2, 68-124 (This is a major paper developing a theory of bilingual language learning based on cognitive network analysis)
6.5 Peaches among the apricots: A review of ³Visible Language 2². Canad. J. Psychol., 1982, Dec.
6.6 (BOOK) The Psychology of Reading. New York: Academic Press, 1983 (I.K. Taylor, senior author)
6.7 The Bilateral Cooperative Model of Reading: A human paradigm for Artificial Intelligence. In ³Artificial and Human IntelligenceŒ, A. Elithorn and R. Banerji (Eds.), Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1984.
6.8 The Bilateral Cooperative Model of Reading. In C. Lumsden and D. de Kerkhove (Eds.) The Alphabet and the Brain, Springer-Verlag (1988).
6.9 Reading versus Word Recognition. Review of D. Besner, T.G.Waller, and G.E.MacKinnon, Reading Research: Advances in Theory and Practice, Vol 5. Canadian Psychology, 1987, 219-222 (with I.K. Taylor)
6.10 The Psychology of Reading: Comments on a Review. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1987, 39A, 797-803. (with I. K. Taylor)
6.11 Convenient viewing and normal reading. In B. Elsendoorn and H. Bouma (Eds.) Working Models of Human Perception. London: Academic Press, 1988.
6.12 (BOOK) Psycholinguistics: Learning and using language. New York:Prentice-Hall, (1990) (I. K. Taylor, senior author)
6.13 What is the Algorithmic Level. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1987, 10, 495-496. (with R.A. Pigeau)
6.14 The Thinker Dreams of being an Emperor. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 13, 685-686 (1990).
6.15 Dialogue analysis using Layered Protocols. In H.C. Bunt (Ed.) "Pragmatics of Language Understanding Systems" (Submitted, 1992).
6.16 (BOOK) Writing and Literacy in Chinese, Korean, and Japanese. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1995. (I. K. Taylor, senior author) (See also 9.11 through 9.15, 9.18, 9.19, 10.2)
6.17 Editorial: Perceptual Control Theory and its application. International Journal of Human Computer Interaction, 50, 433-444, (1999)

7. Remote Sensing

7.1 Principal components display of ERTS imagery. Proceedings of the Third ERTS Symposium, Washington, 1973, 1877-1898
7.2 Principal components colour display of ERTS imagery. Proceedings of the Second Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, 1974, 296-313 (essentially an update of the previous paper)
7.3 Use of maximum information colour enhancements in water quality studies. Proceedings of the Third Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, 1975, 359-366 (with E.J.Langham)
7.4 Colour enhancement of snow and ice imagery from ERTS. DCIEM report 75-RP-1086 (21 pp)
7.5 Guide to Landsat image enhancement programs on the CCRS Decsystem-10/MAD display. DCIEM report 78-X-22 (with S.Schlein)

8. Computers

8.1 Alphanumeric package for the LGP-30. Pool News, Nov 1964
8.2 PDP-9T: Compatible time-sharing for the real-time laboratory. DECUS Proceedings, Fall 1967 (with D.M.Forsyth and L.Seligman)
8.3 PDP-9T time-sharing: Phase I. Multi-programming. DECUS Proceedings, Spring 1968 (with S.E.Forshaw and D.M.Forsyth)
8.4 PDP-9T: time-sharing progress report 12/68. DECUS Proceedings, Fall 1968 (with D.M.Forsyth) 8.5 The initial version of the PDP-9T minimonitor. DECUS Canada proceedings, 1969, 3. (Note: The above four papers, though not refereed, detail the early development of the PDP-9T, which was an innovative time-shared computer for real-time experiments, and whose novel elements prefigured the design of the commercially successful PDP-11 in many respects)
8.6 A versatile colour raster display system for visual psychophysics and image processing. DECUS Proceedings, 1977, 3, 923-929
8.7 UNIX support for guaranteed real-time processing. USENIX Proceedings, July 1983. (with D.J.Ross).

9. Human-Computer Interaction

9.1 Voice versus Keyboard for Database Query. J. Amer. Voice Input-Output Society, Aug. 1985. (with Cote, D.O., and Kaufman, R)
9.2 The Interactive Spatial Information System. DCIEM 84-R-22. (with McCann, C.A., and Tuori, M.I)
9.3 A Spatial Database Management System for Command and Control. DCIEM 84-R-45. (with McCann, C.A., and Tuori, M.I)
9.4 Decision Support Systems: Methods of Description for Designers. Report presented to AC243 Panel VIII by RSG-12, August 1985.
9.5 A Spatial Database Management System for Command and Control. In Harris, C. J. and White, I. (Eds.) Advances in Command, Control and Communication Systems, London: Peter Peregrinus, 1987. (with McCann, C.A., and Tuori, M.I)
9.6 Layered Protocols for Computer-Human Dialogue. I: Principles. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 1988, 28, 175-218.
9.7 Layered Protocols for Computer-Human Dialogue. II: Some Practical Issues, International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 1988, 28, 219-257.
9.8 ISIS: the interactive spatial information system, International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 1988, 28, 101-138. (with C. A. McCann and M. I. Tuori)
9.9 Layered Protocols in Voice Interaction with Computers. In AGARD Conference Proceedings No. 414, Information Management and Decision-Making in Advanced Airborne Weapon Systems.
9.11 Response Timing in Layered Protocols: a Cybernetic View of Natural Dialogue. In M.M. Taylor, F. Neel, and D.G.Bouwhuis (Eds.) The Structure of Multimodal Dialogue, Amsterdam: North-Holland (1989).
9.12 A Generative Grammar for Local Discourse Structure. In M.M. Taylor, F. Neel, and D.G.Bouwhuis (Eds.) The Structure of Multimodal Dialogue, Amsterdam: North-Holland (1989). (with R. P. Fawcett).
9.13 Introduction: Dialogue and Multimodal dialogue. In M.M. Taylor, F. Neel, and D.G.Bouwhuis (Eds.) The Structure of Multimodal Dialogue, Amsterdam: North-Holland (1989). (with F. Neel and D.G.Bouwhuis).
9.14 Flexibility versus Formality. In M.M. Taylor, F. Neel, and D.G.Bouwhuis (Eds.) The Structure of Multimodal Dialogue, Amsterdam: North-Holland (1989) (with M.J. Hunt).
9.15 (BOOK) The Structure of Multimodal Dialogue. Amsterdam: North Holland (1989) (Editor, with F. Neel and D.G.Bouwhuis).
9. 16 Review of ³An Introduction to Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Computing² by J.K.T.Huang and T.D.Huang, Computational Linguistics, 16, (1990). (With I. K. Taylor)
9.17 Principles for integrating voice I/O in a complex interface. In AGARD Conference Proceedings 521, Advanced Aircraft Interfaces: The machine side of the man-machine interface, Madrid, (1992). With D. A. Waugh.
9.18 Multiplexing, Diviplexing, and the control of multimodal dialogue. In M.M.Taylor, F. Neel and D. G. Bouwhuis (Eds.) The Structure of Multimodal Dialogue II, (1999). With D. A. Waugh
9.19 The Role of Feedback in a Layered Model of Communication. In R. J. Beun (Ed.) "Natural dialogue and interactive student modelling". With D. A. Waugh
9.20 Perceptual Control and Layered Protocols in Interface Design I: Fundamental Concepts. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 50, 489-520, (1999). With P.F.H.Farrell, H. Gamble, and J. Hollands.
9.21 Perceptual Control and Layered Protocols in Interface Design II: The General Protocol Grammar. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 50, 521-555, (1999). With P.F.H.Farrell and J. Hollands.
9.22 (BOOK) The Structure of Multimodal Dialogue II. Amsterdam: John Benjamins (1999) (Editor, with F. Neel and D.G.Bouwhuis). (See also 6.15, 10.3)

10. Speech

10.1 Issues in the Evaluation of Speech Recognition Systems. Journal of the American Voice I/O Society, 1986, 3, 39-67.
10.2 Review of ³Speaking: from Intention to Articulation² by W.J.M.Levelt, Computational Linguistics, 16, 52-56 (1990) (With I. K. Taylor)
10.3 Strategies for Speech Recognition and Understanding using Layered Protocols. In Laface, P. and de Mori, R. (Eds.) Speech Recognition and Understanding. NATO ASI Series Vol F75, Springer-Verlag (1992). (With J. M. E. van de Vegte). (See also 9.9, 9.17)