Updated 991127
Listed chronologically within General Topic Area
I. The Senses
1.1 Vision
- 1.1.1. Effect of orientation on the visibility of fine wires. J. opt.
Soc. Amer., 1958, 48, 628-629 (with J.C.Ogilvie)
- 1.1.2. Effect of length on the visibility of a fine line. J. opt.
Soc. Amer., 1959, 49, 898-900 (with J.C.Ogilvie)
- 1.1.3. Visual length as a function of orientation at four retinal
positions. Percep. Mot. Skills, 1962, 14, 431-438 (with D.G.Pearce)
- 1.1.4. Visual discrimination and orientation. J.opt.Soc.Amer., 1963,
53, 763-765 (See Also: 1.3.1, 2.1, 2.2, 6.11)
1.2 Audition
- 1.2.1. Monaural detection with contralateral cue (MDCC) I: Better than
energy detector performance by human observers. J. acous. Soc. Amer.,
1969, 46, 1519-1526 (with S.M.Forbes)
- 1.2.2 Monaural detection with contralateral cue (MDCC) II: Interaural
delay of cue and signal. J. acous. Soc. Amer., 1971, 49, 1243-1253 (with
- 1.2.3 Monaural detection with contralateral cue (MDCC) III: Sinusoidal
signals at constant performance level. J. acous. Soc. Amer., 1971, 49,
1795-1804 (with D.P.J.Clarke and S.M.Smith)
- 1.2.4 Monaural detection with contralateral cue (MDCC) IV: Psychometric
functions with sinusoidal signals. J. acous. Soc. Amer., 1971, 50, 1151-1161
(with S.M.Smith and D.P.J.Clarke)
- 1.2.5 Monaural detection with contralateral cue (MDCC) V: Interstimulus
interval in MDCC and amplitude discrimination. J. acous. Soc. Amer., 1975,
57, 1500-1511 (with S.M.Smith)
- 1.2.6 Monaural detection with contralateral cue (MDCC) VI: Adding noise
to the cue. J. acous. Soc. Amer., 1975, 58, 870-874. (with S. M. Smith).
(The MDCC series of papers has been influential in the development of
psychoacoustic theory and technique, in questions of how the two ears
interact) (See Also: 3.1, 5.7, 5.9)
1.3 Touch
- 1.3.1 Perception of interpolated position and orientation by vision
and active touch. Perception and Psychophysics, 1969, 6, 153-159 (with
- 1.3.2 Texture perception by touch. In Carterette, E and Friedman, M
(Eds), Handbook of Perception (Vol III), New York: Academic Press, 1973.
(with S.J.Lederman and R.H.Gibson)
- 1.3.3 Fingertip force, surface geometry, and the perception of roughness
by active touch. Perception and Psychophysics, 1972, 12, 401-408 (with
- 1.3.4 Tactile roughness of grooved surfaces: a model and the effect
of friction. Perception and Psychophysics, 1975, 17, 23-36 (with S.J.Lederman)
2. Perception and Perceptual Theory
- 2.1 Effects of anchoring and distance perception on the reproduction
of forms. Percep. Mot. Skills, 1961, 12, 203-239
- 2.2 Geometry of a visual illusion. J. opt. Soc. Amer., 1962, 52, 565-569
- 2.3 Figural after-effects: a psychophysical theory of the displacement
effect. Canad. J. Psychol., 1962, 16, 247-277
- 2.4 Numerical prediction of a simple figural aftereffect as a function
of the contrast of the inspection figure. Psychol. Rev., 1963, 70, 357-360
- 2.5 The effect of the square root of time on continuing perceptual tasks.
Perception and Psychophysics, 1966, 1, 113-119
- 2.6 Adaptation and repulsion in the figural aftereffect and the psychophysical
theory. Quart. J. exp. Psychol., 1966, 18, 175-177
- 2.7 Perceptual principles relating to remote sensing. Proceedings of the
First Canadian Remote Sensing Symposium, 1972, Vol 2, 497-503
- 2.8 The problem of stimulus structure in the behavioural theory of perception.
S. African. J. Psychol., 1973, 3, 23-45 (invited paper) (See Also: 3.2,
3.3, 3.9, 6.4)
3. Illusions and after-effects
- 3.1 The distance paradox of the figural after-effect in auditory localizationCanad.
J. Psychol., 1962, 16, 278-282
- 3.2 Verbal transformations and an effect of instructional bias on perception.Canad.
J. Psychol., 1963, 17, 210-223 (with G.B.Henning)
- 3.3 Transformations of perception with prolonged observation. Canad. J.
Psychol., 1963, 17, 349-360 (with G.B.Henning)
- 3.4 Tracking the decay of the after-effect of seen movement. Percep. Mot.
Skills., 1963, 16, 119-129
- 3.5 Tracking the neutralization of seen rotary movement. Percep. Mot.
Skills.,1963, 16, 513-519
- 3.6 Tracking the rotary motion aftereffect with different illuminations
of inspection and test fields. Percep. Mot. Skills., 1964, 18, 885-888 (with
- 3.7 Non-additivity of perceived distance with the Mueller-Lyer figure.
Percep. Mot. Skills, 1965, 20, 1064
- 3.8 Contrast reversal or distance paradox in the temperature perception
aftereffect? Perception and Psychophysics, 1971, 10, 247-248
- 3.9 Stochastic processes in reversing figure perception. Perception and
Psychophysics, 1974, 16, 9-27 (with K.D.Aldridge) (See Also: 1.3.1, 2.2,
2.3, 2.4, 2.6)
4. Vigilance and Attention
- 4.1 The d' measure of signal detectability in vigilance-like situations.Canad.
J. Psychol., 1963, 17, 302-325 (with J.F.Mackworth)
- 4.2 Quantification of shared capacity processing in auditory and visual
discrimination. Acta Psychologia, 1967, 27, 223-229 (with P.H.Lindsay and
- 4.3 Cue Timing in multidimensional detection task. Percep. Mot. Skills.,
1967, 25, 113-120 (with S.M.Forbes and P.H.Lindsay)
- 4.4 Attention and multidimensional discrimination. Perception and Psychophysics,
1968, 4, 113-117 (with P.H.Lindsay and S.M.Forbes)
- 4.5 Twenty-five years of vigilance. Review of D.R.Davies and G.S.Tune
"Human Vigilance Performance". New York: American Elsevier, 1969. Contemporary
Psychology, 1971, 16, 234-236
5. Psychophysical Methodology and Detection Theory
- 5.1 Comments on "Sensory thresholds and response bias". J. acous. Soc.
Amer., 1964, 36, 599-600
- 5.2 Detectability measures in vigilance: comment on a paper by Wiener,
Poock, and Steele. Percep. Mot. Skills, 1965, 20, 1217-1221
- 5.3 A table of d' for a model of the unforced choice experiment. Percep.
Mot. Skills, 1966, 22, 282 (with W.C.G.Fraser) (This is a notice of DRML
report 534 of the same title, which contains the actual table and computational
- 5.4 Detectability theory and the interpretation of vigilance data. Acta
Psychologia, 1967, 27, 390-399
- 5.5 PEST: Efficient estimates on probability functions. J. acous. Soc.
Amer., 1967, 41, 782-787 (with C.D.Creelman) (The PEST method introduced
in this paper is still a widely used psychophysical technique in psychoacoustics).
- 5.6 Detection and Localization Experiment: comments on a paper by Hershman
and Lichtenstein. J. acous. Soc. Amer., 1968, 43, 884-885
- 5.7 Pitfalls in adaptive testing: comments on "Temporal Integration and
Periodicity Pitch". J. acous. Soc. Amer., 1969, 46, 1581-1582 (with C.D.Creelman)
- 5.8 On the efficiency of psychophysical measurement. J. acous. Soc. Amer.,
1971, 49, 505-508
- 5.9 PEST reduces bias in forced choice psychophysics. J. Acous. Soc. Amer.,
1983, 74, 1367-1374 (with S.M.Forbes and C.D. Creelman) (See Also: 4.1,
4.2, 4.4)
6. Psycholinguistics and Cognitive Theory
- 6.1 Phonetic symbolism in four unrelated languages. Canad. J. Psychol.,
1962, 16, 344-356 (I.K.Taylor, senior author)
- 6.2 Another look at phonetic symbolism. Psychol. Bull., 1965, 64, 413-427
(with I.K.Taylor)
- 6.3 Test of predictions from the conflict hypothesis of stuttering. J.
abnorm. Psychol., 1967, 72, 431-433 (with I.K.Taylor)
- 6.4 Speculations on bilingualism and the cognitive network. Working Paperson
Bilingualism, OISE, 1974, 2, 68-124 (This is a major paper developing a
theory of bilingual language learning based on cognitive network analysis)
- 6.5 Peaches among the apricots: A review of ³Visible Language 2². Canad.
J. Psychol., 1982, Dec.
- 6.6 (BOOK) The Psychology of Reading. New York: Academic Press, 1983 (I.K.
Taylor, senior author)
- 6.7 The Bilateral Cooperative Model of Reading: A human paradigm for Artificial
Intelligence. In ³Artificial and Human IntelligenceŒ, A. Elithorn and R.
Banerji (Eds.), Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1984.
- 6.8 The Bilateral Cooperative Model of Reading. In C. Lumsden and D. de
Kerkhove (Eds.) The Alphabet and the Brain, Springer-Verlag (1988).
- 6.9 Reading versus Word Recognition. Review of D. Besner, T.G.Waller,
and G.E.MacKinnon, Reading Research: Advances in Theory and Practice, Vol
5. Canadian Psychology, 1987, 219-222 (with I.K. Taylor)
- 6.10 The Psychology of Reading: Comments on a Review. Quarterly Journal
of Experimental Psychology, 1987, 39A, 797-803. (with I. K. Taylor)
- 6.11 Convenient viewing and normal reading. In B. Elsendoorn and H. Bouma
(Eds.) Working Models of Human Perception. London: Academic Press, 1988.
- 6.12 (BOOK) Psycholinguistics: Learning and using language. New York:Prentice-Hall,
(1990) (I. K. Taylor, senior author)
- 6.13 What is the Algorithmic Level. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1987,
10, 495-496. (with R.A. Pigeau)
- 6.14 The Thinker Dreams of being an Emperor. Behavioral and Brain Sciences,
13, 685-686 (1990).
- 6.15 Dialogue analysis using Layered Protocols. In H.C. Bunt (Ed.) "Pragmatics
of Language Understanding Systems" (Submitted, 1992).
- 6.16 (BOOK) Writing and Literacy in Chinese, Korean, and Japanese. Amsterdam:
John Benjamins, 1995. (I. K. Taylor, senior author) (See also 9.11 through
9.15, 9.18, 9.19, 10.2)
- 6.17 Editorial: Perceptual Control Theory and its application. International
Journal of Human Computer Interaction, 50, 433-444, (1999)
7. Remote Sensing
- 7.1 Principal components display of ERTS imagery. Proceedings of the Third
ERTS Symposium, Washington, 1973, 1877-1898
- 7.2 Principal components colour display of ERTS imagery. Proceedings of
the Second Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, 1974, 296-313 (essentially
an update of the previous paper)
- 7.3 Use of maximum information colour enhancements in water quality studies.
Proceedings of the Third Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, 1975, 359-366
(with E.J.Langham)
- 7.4 Colour enhancement of snow and ice imagery from ERTS. DCIEM report
75-RP-1086 (21 pp)
- 7.5 Guide to Landsat image enhancement programs on the CCRS Decsystem-10/MAD
display. DCIEM report 78-X-22 (with S.Schlein)
8. Computers
- 8.1 Alphanumeric package for the LGP-30. Pool News, Nov 1964
- 8.2 PDP-9T: Compatible time-sharing for the real-time laboratory. DECUS
Proceedings, Fall 1967 (with D.M.Forsyth and L.Seligman)
- 8.3 PDP-9T time-sharing: Phase I. Multi-programming. DECUS Proceedings,
Spring 1968 (with S.E.Forshaw and D.M.Forsyth)
- 8.4 PDP-9T: time-sharing progress report 12/68. DECUS Proceedings, Fall
1968 (with D.M.Forsyth) 8.5 The initial version of the PDP-9T minimonitor.
DECUS Canada proceedings, 1969, 3. (Note: The above four papers, though
not refereed, detail the early development of the PDP-9T, which was an innovative
time-shared computer for real-time experiments, and whose novel elements
prefigured the design of the commercially successful PDP-11 in many respects)
- 8.6 A versatile colour raster display system for visual psychophysics
and image processing. DECUS Proceedings, 1977, 3, 923-929
- 8.7 UNIX support for guaranteed real-time processing. USENIX Proceedings,
July 1983. (with D.J.Ross).
9. Human-Computer Interaction
- 9.1 Voice versus Keyboard for Database Query. J. Amer. Voice Input-Output
Society, Aug. 1985. (with Cote, D.O., and Kaufman, R)
- 9.2 The Interactive Spatial Information System. DCIEM 84-R-22. (with McCann,
C.A., and Tuori, M.I)
- 9.3 A Spatial Database Management System for Command and Control. DCIEM
84-R-45. (with McCann, C.A., and Tuori, M.I)
- 9.4 Decision Support Systems: Methods of Description for Designers. Report
presented to AC243 Panel VIII by RSG-12, August 1985.
- 9.5 A Spatial Database Management System for Command and Control. In Harris,
C. J. and White, I. (Eds.) Advances in Command, Control and Communication
Systems, London: Peter Peregrinus, 1987. (with McCann, C.A., and Tuori,
- 9.6 Layered Protocols for Computer-Human Dialogue. I: Principles. International
Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 1988, 28, 175-218.
- 9.7 Layered Protocols for Computer-Human Dialogue. II: Some Practical
Issues, International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 1988, 28, 219-257.
- 9.8 ISIS: the interactive spatial information system, International Journal
of Man-Machine Studies, 1988, 28, 101-138. (with C. A. McCann and M. I.
- 9.9 Layered Protocols in Voice Interaction with Computers. In AGARD Conference
Proceedings No. 414, Information Management and Decision-Making in Advanced
Airborne Weapon Systems.
- 9.11 Response Timing in Layered Protocols: a Cybernetic View of Natural
Dialogue. In M.M. Taylor, F. Neel, and D.G.Bouwhuis (Eds.) The Structure
of Multimodal Dialogue, Amsterdam: North-Holland (1989).
- 9.12 A Generative Grammar for Local Discourse Structure. In M.M. Taylor,
F. Neel, and D.G.Bouwhuis (Eds.) The Structure of Multimodal Dialogue, Amsterdam:
North-Holland (1989). (with R. P. Fawcett).
- 9.13 Introduction: Dialogue and Multimodal dialogue. In M.M. Taylor, F.
Neel, and D.G.Bouwhuis (Eds.) The Structure of Multimodal Dialogue, Amsterdam:
North-Holland (1989). (with F. Neel and D.G.Bouwhuis).
- 9.14 Flexibility versus Formality. In M.M. Taylor, F. Neel, and D.G.Bouwhuis
(Eds.) The Structure of Multimodal Dialogue, Amsterdam: North-Holland (1989)
(with M.J. Hunt).
- 9.15 (BOOK) The Structure of Multimodal Dialogue. Amsterdam: North Holland
(1989) (Editor, with F. Neel and D.G.Bouwhuis).
- 9. 16 Review of ³An Introduction to Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Computing²
by J.K.T.Huang and T.D.Huang, Computational Linguistics, 16, (1990). (With
I. K. Taylor)
- 9.17 Principles for integrating voice I/O in a complex interface. In AGARD
Conference Proceedings 521, Advanced Aircraft Interfaces: The machine side
of the man-machine interface, Madrid, (1992). With D. A. Waugh.
- 9.18 Multiplexing, Diviplexing, and the control of multimodal dialogue.
In M.M.Taylor, F. Neel and D. G. Bouwhuis (Eds.) The Structure of Multimodal
Dialogue II, (1999). With D. A. Waugh
- 9.19 The Role of Feedback in a Layered Model of Communication. In R. J.
Beun (Ed.) "Natural dialogue and interactive student modelling". With D.
A. Waugh
- 9.20 Perceptual Control and Layered Protocols in Interface Design I: Fundamental
Concepts. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 50, 489-520,
(1999). With P.F.H.Farrell, H. Gamble, and J. Hollands.
- 9.21 Perceptual Control and Layered Protocols in Interface Design II:
The General Protocol Grammar. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies,
50, 521-555, (1999). With P.F.H.Farrell and J. Hollands.
- 9.22 (BOOK) The Structure of Multimodal Dialogue II. Amsterdam: John Benjamins
(1999) (Editor, with F. Neel and D.G.Bouwhuis). (See also 6.15, 10.3)
10. Speech
- 10.1 Issues in the Evaluation of Speech Recognition Systems. Journal of
the American Voice I/O Society, 1986, 3, 39-67.
- 10.2 Review of ³Speaking: from Intention to Articulation² by W.J.M.Levelt,
Computational Linguistics, 16, 52-56 (1990) (With I. K. Taylor)
- 10.3 Strategies for Speech Recognition and Understanding using Layered
Protocols. In Laface, P. and de Mori, R. (Eds.) Speech Recognition and Understanding.
NATO ASI Series Vol F75, Springer-Verlag (1992). (With J. M. E. van de Vegte).
(See also 9.9, 9.17)