This book is intended for anybody interested in the intertwined writing systems, histories, and cultures of three East Asian peoples with very different languages. The book is written to be both entertaining and accurate, so that although it can be used as a textbook, it should also be valuable to business people wanting to work in China, Korea, or Japan, as well as to anyone with a general interest in these countries and their literacy.
Here you can read about the book, or read one or more sample sections from each chapter. We hope that the samples are both interesting and informative. To get to the samples, you can click the links in this table. The samples are reproduced with permissi on from the publisher. Here is the publisher's book announcement. Here is a note about peculiarities of Korean transcription caused by the limited character set available in HTML .
Note: A browser capable of displaying GIF images and frames is essential for viewing these pagesSections(Click links for detailed tables of contents and access to samples) |
Chapter Titles |
Chapter 1. |
1. Introduction |
Part I: Chinese(Chapters 2 -10, pp 26-189)
Part II: Korean(Chapters 11-16, pp 190-287)
Part III: Japanese(Chapters 17 - 24, pp 288-390)
Postface 391 | |
Glossary 392 |
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