Notes from

Egypt, Canaan and Israel in Ancient Times

Donald B. Redford, Princeton U.P. 1992

p9. "Some observers have suggested that the early title that came to mean "King of Upper Egypt" was of local predynastic origin. This title, pronounced "ensi", meant literally "he of the swt plant"...

Comment: "en" was the Sumerian title translated as King, also used in Ebla. Sometimes also "ensi".

p10 The Western deasert where nothing much lived except jackals was the place where the sun died every evening,and the cemeteries tended to be on that desert edge, giving the dead an easier trip to the country of the dead. Jackals "can always be seen prowling amoing the tombs or over the desert, seeming to find his way where no path exists." Jackals came to be associated with leading the dead into the afterlife, hence Anubis, the jackal-headed god. The custom was diffeent in the Nile Delta.

p11. "While in Egypt, the needs of the farmer and hunter and the service of the gods provide the basic reason for coming together in human communities, in the Levant defence seems to have been uppermost in the thinking of the population."